Friday, June 3, 2011

Invisalign in Frisco, TX

Frisco invisalign

The Invisalign procedure is so popular because it completely eliminates the need for permanent, metal braces affixed to your chompers. The straightening mouth guards are completely removable for eating and brushing. This makes them easy to clean and maintain as well as completely invisible.

Invisalign has been around for a decade or so but the technology is so revolutionary that it has become the preferred method of orthodontic work with many orthodontists. More patients are opting for the Invisalign system because it is relatively painless, easy to maintain, invisible and removable for eating.

Compare this to traditional braces where you have painful tightening, sharp metal and difficult cleaning. The biggest drawback to the Invisalign is that it can only correct certain dental problems. For drastic adjustments, you may still have to undergo metal braces for treatment.

For Invisalign in Frisco, TX, Dr. Travis Campbell and the team at 380 Dental are one of the leading providers of dental care in Collin County, TX.